It is expected that the Red Crescent Pharmacy distribution centers established throughout the country could render pharmaceutical services to all the pharmacies having the priority of distinguished Medical Science Universities pharmacies.
As per Public Relation of Medical Procurement Organization (MPO), in a one day forum hosted by Soha Pharmaceutical Company, Dr.Zobeideh Hosseini pointed out to the activity of 10,000 countrywide pharmacies and went on to say that Red Crescent Pharmacy Distribution capacities assessed rendering services to follow citizens and people access to required medicines is being done as soon as practicable and with high quality.
Emphasizing on the issue that Red Crescent society and MPO are cordial associate in order to render services to the people, person in charge in Health Ministry stated that replacing medicine production instead of import and supporting medicine distribution companies are among the policies of Health Ministry aiming at people welfare and added that the reason behind granting establishing license for Soha Helal distribution Company, is comprehensive covering of suitable and favorable distribution of medicines aiming at capabilities and high capacities of this company .
Finally, Dr.Zobeideh Hosseini stressed on quantitative and qualitative promotion services to the people in terms of medicine on be half of Soha Helal Distribution Company and Red Crescent Pharmacies.