Saturday ،Jul 27, 2024، 06:50

US easing medical sanctions on Iran, farce: Analyst

US easing medical sanctions on Iran, farce: Analyst
Washington’s recent move to ease sanctions on exports of some medical equipment to Iran and portray itself as a humanitarian government is a farce, a human rights activist tells Press TV.

In an exclusive interview with Press TV on Friday, human rights activist Randy Short said that the US government has no concern for the Iranian people as its hostility towards Iranians has been going on for over 30 years

“If there's real concern for the Iranian people, the United States has a lot of explaining to do…,” the activists said

Randy Short pointed that “the United States put Saddam Hussein up to invading Iran in 1980” and “as many as 950,000 Iranians were killed …by [the] American action” against Iranians

The activist further noted that Washington continues its hostility towards the Iranian nation and government to undermine the country’s independence and freedom

“As long as you stand [up]for the Palestinians, as long as the people want some dignity, as long as Iran represents some model of being able to stand its own ground to other nations, you will be hated by the people who wish to undermine your freedom - unfortunately,” he said

The US Treasury Department conceded on Thursday that its bans have created major challenges for pharmaceutical companies to conduct transactions with Iran

The treasury department said it was now expanding the list of medical items that can be exported to Iran without a special application

The illegal US-engineered sanctions were imposed based on the unfounded accusation that Iran may be pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program

Iran rejects the allegations, arguing that as a committed signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes

Aug 3, 2013 15:25
press tv |


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