Saturday ،Jul 27, 2024، 07:48

MPO Acting Managing Director appoints Managing Director of Helal Iran Medical Devices Co.

MPO Acting Managing Director appoints Managing Director of Helal Iran Medical Devices Co.
Dr. Hassan Safariye- MPO's Acting Managing Director- issued a decree in which he appointed Mr. Bahram Gheybi as the Managing Director of Helal Iran Medical Devices Company

The full text of the decree reads as follows:

According to your commitment, qualifications, and valuable experiences, I appoint you as the Managing Director of Helal Iran Medical Devices Company. Giving consideration to the command of  Revolution's Supreme Leader in the year which His Eminence dubbed as "Boosting Domestic Production" and with due attention to the crucial role of Helal Iran Medical Devices Co. in country's industry, you and all other Board Members are expected to adopt appropriate approaches in performing duties, modify company's production system, exploit the facilities and human resources to elevate quantitative and qualitative level of production, support personnel and strive for attaining the sublime goals of IRCS and holy Islamic Republic.

I ask Allah, the Almighty, to bestow success in rendering services to Iranians.

Sep 22, 2019 09:17


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