Saturday ،Jul 27, 2024، 12:12

Cordial meeting of Medical Procurement Organization (MPO) Managing Director with Soha Kish Trading Company Staff

Cordial meeting of Medical Procurement Organization (MPO) Managing Director with Soha Kish Trading Company Staff
Managing Director of Medical Procurement Organization in a cordial meeting with Director General and Managers as well as Experts of Soha Kish Trading Company insisted on more efforts of this company with the attention to potentials and capacities
As per Public Relations of Medical Procurement Organization within two hours meeting which was aimed at assessing problems and Soha Kish Trading Company capacities, Dr.Balouchi reiterated that in line with developing affairs and facilitating of MPO trading tasks, suitable measurements had been taken in the past and the existing management with cooperation and coordination of experts and managers have achieved suitable activities within short time of its responsibilities .
However considering the credit of company and MPO and current potentialities, we expect more important plans to be operationalized in this company.
Emphasizing on this subject that Soha Kish Trading Company is the entrance gate to valid medicinal market of the world, Managing Director of Red Crescent Society of Medical Procurement Organization reminded that for better accomplishment of current capacities, considering the credit of the company at national and international levels, that collection of comprehensive and operational programs as company strategies in commercial affairs and facilitation of import and export seems necessary.
Stressing on decisive support of MPO towards affiliated companies and Soha Kish Trading Co, Dr.Balouchi said that much endeavors should be taken in order for the company to attain its real status at national and international levels.
Pointing out to financial items as the main issues of the company, Dr. Balouchi stated that having plans is more important than financial issues, as in some cases the budget was sufficient but there was not any program for making the plans to be operational.
Pointing out to the serious participation of officers and experts of the company in managerial decision making, Director Gene of Soha Kish Trading Co. Dr. Mahdi Zarin, added that along with attaining organization and the Islamic Republic of Iran Red Crescent Society s (IRCS) objectives, managing expenditures and revenues as well as conveying today s world technology besides collecting valid pharmaceutical company s representative have been mandated in terms of commercial affairs.       
Mar 1, 2011 14:43
public relation |


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